- Docs Home
- UI Overview
- How to...
- Tools
- Brush
- Center Canvas
- Color Picker
- Color Sampler
- Color Swap
- Eraser
- Export
- Flood Fill
- Grid
- Import Image
- New Project
- Nudge
- Reference Image
- Save Project
- Select
- Shapes
- History
- Interface
- Animation Preview
- Canvas
- Color Palette
- Color Palette Manager
- Color Picker
- Export
- Frames
- Layers
- Project Setup
- Reference Image
- Settings
- Thumbnail
- Tools
- Docs Home
- UI Overview
- How to...
- Tools
- Brush
- Center Canvas
- Color Picker
- Color Sampler
- Color Swap
- Eraser
- Export
- Flood Fill
- Grid
- Import Image
- New Project
- Nudge
- Reference Image
- Save Project
- Select
- Shapes
- History
- Interface
- Animation Preview
- Canvas
- Color Palette
- Color Palette Manager
- Color Picker
- Export
- Frames
- Layers
- Project Setup
- Reference Image
- Settings
- Thumbnail
- Tools
Retro Sketch - UI Overview
Below is a quick list of the various main windows available in Retro Sketch. Each window will have it's own documentation link for deeper details so please review those pages for more information.
Animation Preview Window - The animation preview window allows you to preview your animation. You can preview it large, or at actual size (if small).
Canvas - The drawing canvas is the main area that you draw within composed of layers and using the various pixel art tools.
Color Palette - The color palette allows you to quickly swap to another color, you can change the color by long-pressing the swatch you wish to replace.
Color Palette Manager - The palette manager allows you to search, load, rename, and delete saved color palettes.
Color Picker - The color picker allows you to select any color you wish by either directly picking the color, inputting in the RGB values, or even inputting the HEX code for your color.
Export Window - The export window allows you to save your image as a PNG or your animation in various formats like GIF, image sequence, or PNG atlas.
Frames Window - The frames window allows you to create, select, and delete frames; it also lets you perform actions on frames like duplication and sorting.
Layers Window - The layers window allows you to create, select, and delete layers; it also lets you perform actions on layers like merging, opacity, and duplication.
Project Setup - The project setup window allows you to create a new project or open an existing project.
Reference Image Window - The reference image window allows you to scale and position your reference image where you need it in order to trace effectively.
Timeline Window - The timeline window allows you to stack tracks of animation on top of each other to create much more dynamic animations with less clutter on your active canvas
Tools Window - The tools window gives access to tools both canvas manipulation tools (like brush, fill, and erase), but also extra functionality (like center, export, and import image).
Settings Window - The settings window allows you to change the settings for both Retro Sketch, as well as for the current project.
Thumbnail Window - The thumbnail window shows you a preview of your current frame, it's helpful if you're zoomed in and want to see a preview of the whole frame (tap it to open the animation preview).
Touch Draw Button - The touch draw button allows you to swap between drawing with touch input and navigating with touch input.
Quick Menu - The quick menu allows you to quickly perform actions like undo and redo.