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Retro Sketch Documentation

Welcome to the Retro Sketch Documentation, we'll cover all of the things you need to know in order to best use the software. This documentation is mostly the same for both Windows and Android as the source code for both is almost identical. There are a few things that are specific to the platforms based on how they handle files and inputs, but we'll cover those in their own section.

Please select a topic on the left which you'd like to learn about. If you don't know where to start, we'd suggest starting with UI Overview

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retro sketch color picker icon retro sketch brush icon retro sketch center canvas icon retro sketch color sampler icon retro sketch color swap icon retro sketch eraser icon retro sketch export icon retro sketch flood fill icon retro sketch grid icon retro sketch import image icon retro sketch new project icon retro sketch nudge icon retro sketch reference icon retro sketch save icon retro sketch save as icon retro sketch selection icon retro sketch shapes icon retro sketch undo icon retro sketch redo icon